I have to admit, during the era of social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of embracing a sedentary lifestyle as a couch potato seemed quite tempting. Even someone like me, who has been physically active for most of my life, found it hard to resist the allure of binge-watching my favorite shows for hours on end. However, I have come to recognize the significant health implications of leading a sedentary life. The lack of physical activity can heighten the likelihood of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even depression in certain individuals. Additionally, it can weaken the immune system. I truly believe that prioritizing our overall health has become more crucial than ever before.
As someone with what I think is an active lifestyle, I found myself considering the amount of time the average person should dedicate to physical activity (keeping in mind that my own habits may not align with the norm). According to experts, a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week is recommended to lower the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, for those aiming to maintain a healthy weight, weight loss experts generally advise a minimum of 200 minutes of exercise per week.
If these numbers seem daunting or unachievable to you, there's no need to panic. Extensive research has made it clear that even a minimal amount of exercise can have a significant positive effect on your health. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to start with small steps towards incorporating physical activity into your routine.
If you're eager to embark on a fitness journey, I've discovered nine surprising benefits over the years of my own exercise experience:
Maintaining a stable weight: It’s no secret to anyone that exercise helps burn calories, and the more effort we put in, the more calories we burn in the end. It’s a great way to stay in shape and keep your weight in check. Having said that, it’s also important to know that diet is a big proponent of weight loss – you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.
Regulating appetite: I’ve noticed that exercise can often decrease my appetite, especially after a workout that really pushes me.
Boosting brain power: As we age, our brains tend to lose tissue. However, studies have shown that exercise can slow down this loss over time.
Enhancing heart health: Regular exercise plays a crucial role in decreasing blood pressure and improving circulation. Getting that heart pumping is a great way to keep yourself plenty healthy.
Improving immune functioning: I have to say I was amazed to find out that exercise can increase immunoglobulins, which help your body to fight off infections. This means that by staying active, we’re bolstering our overall immune system.
Reducing health risks: Engaging in regular exercise decreases our overall risk of various health issues. The healthier we are, the better equipped we become to overcome illnesses swiftly.
Boosting metabolism: I've discovered that consistent exercise can increase lean muscle mass, which, in turn, raises our basal metabolic rate. This means that we burn more calories even when we're indulging in our favorite TV shows!
Preventing injuries: Regular exercise strengthens our muscles, making us less vulnerable to common age-related injuries such as straining our backs.
Decreasing cortisol levels: Research has shown that exercise can lower cortisol levels, leading to healthier sleep patterns and reduced stress levels.
Furthermore, regular weight-bearing exercises have been proven to improve bone health, preventing conditions like osteoporosis and reducing the risk of age-related fractures.
So, where should you start? I've learned that having a well-defined plan is crucial. Begin from your current fitness level and gradually challenge yourself a bit more every week. Personally, I've found it beneficial to establish specific goals. By writing down my objectives and reviewing them regularly, I stay motivated and effectively monitor my progress.
While there are numerous circumstances that are beyond our control, we still possess the power to determine how we allocate our time. Imagine the incredible feeling of emerging from this period healthier and stronger. The choice is in your hands. Let's seize the opportunity to engage in physical activity today and embark on a journey towards enjoying the remarkable benefits of regular exercise together.